exchange rate tips


Of course, you will want to get the best exchange rates possible, which means it’s a good idea to shop around. And make sure to always look at the total amount the recipient will get, for a true comparison.

If you would like to save money when you are sending money to and from Guyana, here are some handy tips!

  • Send larger amounts

Try not to send small amounts several times, but instead send a large amount of money once. This almost always works out cheaper!

  • Don’t pay for speed

Transferring money fast costs money, so to save money, simply plan ahead and choose the longer time frame as an option.

  • Watch out for minimum transfer amounts

If you do want to send a smaller amount, be sure to check whether the online transfer company of your choice offers this, as some companies don’t allow you to send under a minimum amount.

  • Consider transfer options

If your transfer is not time-sensitive, some transfer brokers offer you the chance to lock in an optimal exchange rate, so your money only gets sent when this optimal rate is reached. This can save you a lot of money!

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